Electoral roll : new registration

In order to vote you need to be registered on the electoral roll. For 18 year olds, this registration is automatic.
For all others, it is up to the individual to register.

Who can vote ?

You need to fulfil the following conditions :

  • Be 18 years old the day before the first round of the polls,
  • Have French nationality. (European citizens resident in France can register, but can vote only for municipal or European elections.),
  • Enjoy his rights, both civil and political.

Where should one register ?

  • Either at your hometown town hall,
  • Or at the town hall of a commune in which you have been liable for local taxes for at least five years,
  • Or at the town hall in your residential area if you have resided there continuously for at least 6 month,
  • Or at the town hall of the commune in which you have to reside as a public functionary.

How to register ?

  • Either by going to the town hall with the required documents,
  • Or by posting the form for registration and required documents to the town hall.

For further information : Click here
To download the form to register on the electoral roll : Click here

Registration on the electoral roll : change of address

When you move it is necessary to inform the change of address in the commune of the new house.
If you change your commune, the forms are not the same as if you stayed within the same town.

– If you move to another commune :

  • You should register on the electoral roll of your new commune, following the same procedure as for your initial registration.
  • You will then be removed automatically from the roll of your previous commune. You do not have to take any action.

– If you stay in the same commune but at a different address, you should go to the town hall with proof of identity and supporting documents of your new address.

Elections : droit de vote d’un citoyen européen

A citizen of the European union residing in France can vote in municipal elections and in European elections, in the same way as a French person.
To exercise this right, you must be registered on the electoral roll and fulfil the conditions of age and legal capacity.

Who can vote ?

It is necessary to fulfil the following conditions :

  • To be at least 18 years old,
  • To live in France,
  • To be a citizen of a European country and enjoy the civil and political rights.

This concerns which elections ?

A European voter can vote in France in 2 types of elections : European and municipal. He may vote in both elections or in just one of them.

Municipal election

A European citizen registered on the electoral roll can vote in municipal elections.

European elections

A European citizen registered on the electoral roll can vote in European elections.
He must choose in which country he wishes to use his right to vote. In effect it is not possible to vote more than once in the same election.

How does one register?

By going to the town hall.